Monday Aug 25, 2014
Episode 48 - Rogue Legacy, Shovel Knight and the Joy of Hard Games
Monday Aug 25, 2014
Monday Aug 25, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 48:
Rogue Legacy, Shovel Knight and the Joy of Hard Games
Prepare yourself! On this episode, we (Rich and Jordan) welcome not one, but two special guests (Adam and Kelsey) for an epic discussion of difficulty in video games, and the rise and fall (and rise again) of the “Hard Game.” We also talk about the games we've been playing recently, touch on the latest in gaming news, delve into some website updates, and much, much more.
First up, it’s all about the games, and since it’s been a few weeks since our last “what we’ve been playing” segment, there’s quite a bit to talk about. Our discussion includes: Rogue Legacy, Shovel Knight, Rise of the NecroDancer, Dark Souls, The Room, Silent Hill: Downpour, Motocross Madness, Hearthstone, Star Trek, Resident Evil 4 HD, Amy and more.
Then it’s on to gaming news, including: Casey Hudson’s somewhat sudden departure from Bioware, the latest “evolution” of the release-date for Evolve, the leak (and subsequent announcement) of Assassin’s Creed: Rogue, and some Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition updates. We also take a quick look at what’s new on the website, including Guardians, Star Trek, the Destiny Beta, gaming memories, and more.
And finally, for the main event, we regroup to discuss our love/hate relationship with “Hard Games.” There was once a time when almost all video games were challenging; when the NES and Sega Genesis ruled the earth, and games like Battletoads, Mega Man and The Adventures of Bayou Billy kept gamers up many a night with cramped fingers and dashed ambitions. But over the years, as games became longer and more cinematic, high difficulty was no longer a necessity, and many gamers began to gravitate away from more twitch-based, reflex-driven gameplay experiences. But in recent years, hard games have begun to make a serious comeback. Games like Dark Souls, Super Meat Boy, Spelunky and roguelikes of every type and description are flooding the market again, and proving that gamers do still crave a challenge. We discuss video game difficulty then and now, talk about our favorite hard games of all-time, and let you know who among us is really always up for a challenge.
So get into the hardcore spirit, fire up some Dark Souls, and enjoy as it induces fits of uncontrollable controller-throwing, teeth-gritting, cheat-guide-perusing hysteria. This…is the Joy of Gaming!
Sunday Aug 17, 2014
Special Edition - San Diego Comic-Con 2014 and Guardians of the Galaxy
Sunday Aug 17, 2014
Sunday Aug 17, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Special Edition:
San Diego Comic-Con 2014 and Guardians of the Galaxy
On this comics-themed special edition episode, we discuss two of the biggest geek-culture events of the year - San Diego Comic-Con 2014 and the release of Marvel Studios’ latest blockbuster film, Guardians of the Galaxy.
San Diego Comic-Con was once an event focused primarily on comic books and comics culture, but in recent years it has grown into a massive, week-long extravaganza, celebrating geek and pop culture of all mediums – including film, television, gaming, comics and more. And although this year’s convention wasn't quite as loaded with jaw-dropping announcements and shocking surprises as years past, there was still more than enough awesomeness to go around. We discuss the biggest news, excitement and buzz coming out of the con, and give you a rundown of the books, movies and games we’re most excited for in the year ahead.
Even before its official announcement two years ago at SDCC, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has been the subject of much speculation and anticipation (as well as a fair bit of trepidation on the part of comic fans and film critics alike). Well, the wait is now over, as the film was released earlier this month to generally favorable reviews and record-breaking August attendance. But how does Guardians stack up when compared to the previous films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is it really the Star Wars of a new generation? We answer these questions and more as we discuss the film, its star-studded cast and its potential place among the pantheon of sci-fi classics.
And what episode of the podcast would be complete without a segment dedicated to what we’ve been playing - or rather, reading - over the past few weeks. We discuss a healthy crop of the latest and greatest comics and graphic novels, including: Justice League Dark, Batgirl, Joe Casey’s Sex, Cable and X-Force, Iron Man: The Secret Origin of Tony Stark, Annihilation, Original Sin, Batman Eternal, Superior Spider-Man, Brian Michael Bendis’ phenomenal new book Words for Pictures and much, much more.
So whether you’re a fan of comic books, movies or any other aspect of geek-culture, this episode should have something for everyone. You see? We’re just strategic like that. This…is the Joy of Geek Culture!
Friday Aug 08, 2014
Episode 47 - Say Anything (but Goodbye)
Friday Aug 08, 2014
Friday Aug 08, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 47:
Say Anything (but Goodbye)
On this momentous, 47th Episode of the Joy of Gaming Podcast, we celebrate the end of an era. Yes, that’s right – it’s Tim’s final episode as a regular member of the podcast, and although he is still planning to come back to the show relatively often as a guest, we figured a celebration of sorts was in order. And what better way to celebrate Tim’s indie spirit than to break all of the pre-established traditions of the podcast, and try something totally new. And that something is a board game – called Say Anything – played live over the air by Rich, Tim, Jordan, Ray and YOU!
Say Anything is a board game designed around getting to know the people you’re playing with by asking questions, and then scoring points based on how well you can predict the way your friends will answer. And to add a special “Joy of Gaming” twist, there will be five rounds of play, starting and ending with video-game-themed questions, and with movie, comic book and television-themed rounds in between.
And the best part is that we have designed this episode to be semi-interactive. So as we ask each other questions about everything from “the best Square Enix game not called Final Fantasy, “ to “the best TV show of the ‘80s,” we will also challenge you, the listeners, to answer as well. You’ll have to keep score on your own and adhere to the honor system, but if you score higher than any of us at the end of five rounds, write in to us at thejoyofgamingpodcast@gmail.com to let us know. There may be prizes involved.
As you can probably guess, this on-air board game session leads to some in-depth gaming discussions, lots of heated competition, and more than a few classic, Joy of Gaming moments. And when the smoke clears, and all is said and done, we take a few minutes to recognize the end of an era, and celebrate the beginning of a new one. This…is the Joy of Gaming!
Monday Jul 21, 2014
Episode 46 - A Trip Down Video-Game Memory Lane
Monday Jul 21, 2014
Monday Jul 21, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 46:
A Trip Down Video-Game Memory Lane
On this episode of the Joy of Gaming Podcast, we (Rich, Tim and Jordan) take a nostalgic trip down video-game memory lane to uncover the origins of our passion for gaming. Did you ever wonder why Tim loves Final Fantasy 7 so much? Or how the alcoholism of a childhood friend’s dad inadvertently led to Rich’s love for Contra and TMNT Arcade? Or how the Sega Channel allowed Jordan to experience the joy of Christmas morning 12 additional times every year? If so, you’ve come to the right episode. We answer all of these questions and more, as we each count down our Top 5 Video Game Memories of All-Time.
But first, we spend a bit of time in the present to discuss the games we’ve been playing over the past few weeks, including Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition, Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate, Blue Estate: The Game, Bravely Default, Deponia, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Civilization V, Peggle 2 Jimmy Lightning DLC, Gotham City Imposters, Gears of War 3, and more. We also talk about the latest in video game news, as well as the newest editions to the website.
Video games are pretty great on their own, but just wait until we discuss them through the all-powerful, rose-colored glasses of nostalgia. This…is the Joy of Gaming!
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Special Edition - Our Adventures at HeroesCon 2014
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Special Edition:
Our Adventures at HeroesCon 2014
On this Special Edition of the Joy of Gaming Podcast, we take a small step away from gaming to discuss another art form that is near and dear to our hearts: Comic Books and Graphic Novels. What prompted this creative detour, you might ask? The answer is simple – HeroesCon 2014. Every year around this time, a fantastic comic book shop in Charlotte, NC called Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find hosts a comic convention, and every year, we (Rich and Jordan) attend this con and marvel at just how perfect it is. HeroesCon is not too large and not too small, but rather, is perfectly sized to offer fans the opportunity to meet some of the best creators in the business.
And this year’s HeroesCon was no exception, as we had the chance to speak with some of our favorite current writers and artists, attended some great panels, and picked up lots of new books. And since we’re in the midst of the yearly summer gaming drought, we thought we’d talk about comics for a change. We let loose the comic floodgates and share some of our favorite con stories from this year (as well as years past), and recommend some of the best new books we discovered.
This whirlwind tour of all things HeroesCon 2014 includes a discussion of: Matt Fraction’s Sex Criminals and Satellite Sam, Dennis Hopeless’ Avengers Arena and Cable and X-Force, Mind the Gap, Scarred for Life, Powers, the Castle Graphic Novels, DC New 52 Hardcovers, The Kickstarter success stories of Shattered with Curve of Horn and Purgatory Pub, The photo-comic stylings of I, Paparazzi, Justin Peterson and Very Near Mint, Auteur, Hero Cats, I, Vampire, Umbral, Uncanny Avengers, Frank Barbiere and Five Ghosts, Revival, Daredevil, Queen and Country, Moriarity, and much, much more!
So join us, as we adventure into parts unknown, taking our podcast off of solid ground and approaching the precipice of the rockiest and most volatile of all fandoms. This…is the Joy of Comics!
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Episode 45 - Watchdogs and Video Game Role Models
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 45:
Watchdogs and Video Game Role Models
On this episode of the Joy of Gaming Podcast, we (Rich, Tim and Jordan) try to answer a rather difficult question: Are there any truly good role models in video games? With games like Call of Duty, Titanfall, Grand Theft Auto and Assassin’s Creed topping the sales charts, the current gaming landscape has become defined in large part by the violence found in today’s most popular games. But are there any game experiences out there that show us how to lead a productive and fulfilling life? So many of today’s games ask us to view the world down the barrel of a gun and interact with fellow players and NPCs using swords and bullets as opposed to words - but does the presence of violent content mean that a game cannot also feature heroes worth admiring? These are the questions that Tim – who is soon to be a new father - challenges us to answer, and we all try our best to come up with some video game heroes worth defending.
But first, we talk about the games we’ve been playing recently (most of which are, admittedly, extremely violent). Since the smoke is just starting to clear after this year’s E3, we have decided to forgo our usual gaming news segment to focus on nothing but the games, and speaking of E3, could anyone ever forget the amazing hype that surrounded Watchdogs when it was announced two years ago at E3 2012? Now remember - this is the game that won over 82 best in show awards that year, and was lauded as the game that would define the next generation of gaming. But now that it’s finally been released, does Watchdogs live up to the hype, or does the game come up a few months too late and a few mobile-phone-hacked dollars short? We delve deep into Ubisoft’s cyber-hacker opus to let you know what we thought.
And just to prove that there is indeed life after the release of Watchdogs, we discuss the other games we’ve been playing these past few weeks, including Murdered: Soul Suspect, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Diablo III, Max and the Curse of Brotherhood, Halo: Spartan Assault, Charlie Murder, Vampire Smile, Battlefield 3, Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don’t Know, Star Trek, Plants vs. Zombies 2 DLC, Peggle 2, and more. We also discuss the latest journalistic endeavors on our website, TheJoyofGaming.net, including new video content, game reviews, editorials, top 5 lists, and much, much more.
So grab a controller and a copy of Watchdogs, hack into some guy’s camera phone and watch him play Russian roulette with his girlfriend while high on Meth. Who says there aren't any role models in video games? This…is the Joy of Gaming!
Friday Jun 13, 2014
Episode 44 - The Annual E3 2014 Extravaganza!
Friday Jun 13, 2014
Friday Jun 13, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 44:
The Annual E3 2014 Extravaganza!
It’s that time of year again – time for this year’s Electronic Gaming Expo – when game developers and members of the enthusiast press converge on the Los Angeles Convention Center to see and experience the latest and greatest that the video game industry has to offer. And every year around this time, we here at The Joy of Gaming have our own tradition, of getting together in a podcast studio to discuss all the biggest games and announcements coming out of the event. This year at E3 2014 there were some awesome surprises, lots of stunning next-gen game trailers, and as always, a few surprising omissions.
On this, our 3rd Annual E3 2014 Extravaganza episode, we (Rich, Tim and Jordan) discuss the big 3 press conferences –from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo – and all of the new game announcements and updates from Ubisoft, EA, Square Enix, Activision and more. From Assassin’s Creed Unity’s new 4-player co-op, to the announcement of Inside, the new game from the creators of Limbo, and from HelloGames’ stunning, procedurally-generated space sim No Man’s Sky, to the reveal of the next The Legend of Zelda game for the Wii U - we talk about all of the exciting news out of this year’s event, and offer our thoughts and predictions for gaming’s next few years.
And what E3 episode could be complete without our awards for the best in show? We give our picks for the following:
Biggest Surprise
Biggest Disappointment
Games We’re Most Excited For
And of course, The Best in Show.
Now that the excitement has died down a bit and E3 2014 is officially in the record books, we can start to look ahead to all of the amazing next-gen gaming experiences that await us over the next two years. As this year’s event proved once again, it’s a great time to be a gamer. This…is the Joy of Gaming!
Sunday May 18, 2014
Episode 43 - Basking in the Illumination of Child of Light
Sunday May 18, 2014
Sunday May 18, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 43:
Basking in the illumination of Child of Light
On this episode of The Joy of Gaming Podcast, we discuss a new downloadable title that has been receiving tremendous acclaim, and one that, in spite of its $15 price-point, shines brighter than the majority of its full-priced, retail game brethren. I am, of course, talking about Child of Light – a game that’s an absolute joy to play, and one that transports the player to the fairy-tale inspired world of Lemuria for a journey of purest discovery. But what is it about main character Aurora’s seemingly simple journey to rescue the sun, moon and stars that makes it so memorable? To find out, we delve deep into the game’s well of mysteries, to discuss its story, its colorful cast of characters, its complex, yet delicately interwoven RPG mechanics, and the script’s (occasionally awkward) propensity towards rhyme. Well - that is if we have the time.
But first things first, we start this episode with something a bit different – a discussion of TV upfronts, and the various new and returning TV shows we’re excited about. We discuss some bad news, including Community’s unfortunate cancellation (six seasons and a movie, no more), and some great news, including the announcement that Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.has been renewed for a second season and will be joined by a brand new show – Agent Carter – a period piece that picks up where the film Captain America: The First Avenger left off. We also discuss the other comic-related TV shows that just received a green light, including The Flash and iZombie on the CW, and Gotham on Fox. We even squeeze in a bit of film chat about The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and let me tell you - our opinions are not for the faint of heart.
I know what you’re thinking – “This is a video games podcast, where are the games?” Well, you’re in luck, because starting at the 37:00-minute mark, this episode becomes all about the games. First, we discuss the games we’ve been playing recently, including: The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Peggle 2, The Legend of Spyro, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, Dragon’s Crown, Muramasa: The Demon Blade Rebirth, Catherine, and Layton Brothers: Mystery Room.
Then we move on to gaming news, with a discussion of the new Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby Versions, Bungie’s Destiny and the just-announced “Ten-year plan” for this "Shared-world shooter," Ubisoft's Watchdogs and its rumored 40- to 100-hour length, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare starring Kevin Spacey, new Sunset Overdrive details from Insomniac Games, Dying Light’s release delay, Nintendo’s three-year, one-billion-dollar revenue losses (and our suggestions for how the Big N could turn it around), and much, much more. We also talk about the latest additions to thejoyofgaming.com, Tim makes a big announcement, and then we move forward to our in-depth discussion of Child of Light.
So join us as we let our gaming-love shine, and prove creativity’s not in decline, as shown by the quality of Child of Light, this is our mission, our passion, our plight. This…is the Joy of Gaming!
Thursday May 01, 2014
Episode 42 - The Spectacular Superheroes and Gaming Episode
Thursday May 01, 2014
Thursday May 01, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 42:
The Spectacular Superheroes and Gaming Episode
On this uncanny episode of the Joy of Gaming Podcast, we celebrate the world of comic book superheroes, and the many video games they have inspired. When we last saw our heroes (aka Podcast hosts), Rich was playing Infamous: Second Son and loving it, Jordan was just about to dive into The Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game, and Tim was, well…he really loved Injustice: Gods Among Us a few months back. The point is that here at TJOG, we all love superhero-inspired video games, and now seems like an excellent time to talk about why. We each discuss our favorite superhero video games - from Xmen: The Arcade Game to Batman: Arkham Asylum - and attempt to go behind the mask to understand what makes the best superhero games so special.
But first, we discuss the games we’ve been playing over the past few weeks, including the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, Deadlight, Peggle 2’s Windy the Fairy DLC, Infamous: Second Son, BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, Quantum Conundrum, Infamous 2, Catherine, Valkyria Chronicles, Thomas Was Alone, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff, Spiderman 3, Iron Man, Pac Man: The Ghostly Adventures, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (but this time, we have an excuse), and more.
We also talk about some of gaming’s biggest news stories, including an update on the Atari ET cartridges buried in the Arizona desert, the new Skylanders: Trick Team game and its new trap-tastic money-grabbing tactics, the premiere of Season 12 of Red vs. Blue, and more. We also take a look at the recent slew of closings and departures in the games industry, including Gamestop’s 250 store closings and the all new, mobile-focused “Gamestop 3.0,” even more departures from developer Naughty Dog, a discussion of Epic games’ new game Fortnite and the revamped new business strategy that goes along with it, and possibly the most surprising departure of all – that of Halo soundtrack composer Marty O’Donnell – who was just fired from Bungie. Yeah, the whole industry’s gone crazy, and we’re just trying to make some sense of it all.
So join us, as we talk about superheroes, wax poetic about awesome new games, and ponder the very nature of life itself. Well, that and the next Uncharted game. This…is the Joy of Gaming!
Saturday Apr 12, 2014
Saturday Apr 12, 2014
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 41:
Ground Zeroes, Infamous: Second Son, and our Favorite Villains of All-Time
It's the 41st episode of the Joy of Gaming Podcast, and this time, we (Rich, Tim and Jordan) explore the darker side of the character spectrum to choose our favorite video game villains of all-time. But first, we talk about the games we’ve been playing recently, including some of the recent big releases for the Xbox One and PS4, as well as a smattering of last gen goodness. Heavy hitters Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and Infamous: Second Son start the show, and then we move on to discuss BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasm, Mercenary Kings, South Park: The Stick of Truth, The Amazing Spider-Man, El Shaddai, Epic Mickey 2, EDF 2025, Hitman: Absolution, Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, Binary Domain, Valkyria Chronicles, Plants vs. Zombies 2, and more.
Next we switch gears to discuss the latest gaming news, most notably the announcement of two new Assassin’s Creed games this year - Unity (which takes place during the French Revolution, and yes, Tim totally called it!) and the Xbox 360/PS3 release rumored to be called Comet. We also talk about Facebook’s purchase of the Oculus Rift, the great sales numbers for Bravely Default and Square Enix’s encouraging response, Mario Kart 8, Persona 4's PS3 debut, the departure of Amy Hennig and Justin Richmond from Naughty Dog and the future of Uncharted 4, Amazon’s Fire TV, Jack Tretton’s departure from Sony (gasp!), etc.
Then it’s on to the main event – our discussion of the greatest villains in gaming. When you think about video game villains, it’s likely that a few specific names come immediately to mind: Bowser, Ganon, Dr. Eggman/Robotnik, Sephiroth, etc. But interestingly enough, none of these villains made our top three lists, or even crept into the realm of honorable mentions. But I digress. We talk about our favorite gaming bad guys and gals, as well as what makes a gaming villain memorable, and the inherent challenges we faced in trying to choose the best of the worst.
So join us, as we daringly desire to delve deeply into despots so dastardly their names are only spoken in hushed tones at villain conventions. This…is the Joy of Gaming!