Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
The Joy of Film Podcast, Episode 7 - Suicide Squad Review
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
Tuesday Aug 09, 2016
The Joy of Film Podcast, Episode 7:
Suicide Squad Review
On this episode of The Joy of Film Podcast, we're reviewing DC's Suicide Squad - and it just may be the most fascinating and divisive film of the year. For the occasion, we've rustled up an epic-sized panel - including Joy of Geek regulars Rich, Jordan and Kevin, and special guests Katie and Holden. It's a packed house, and we each have some strong feelings about the film, so get ready for a throw-down. But first, we can't talk about Suicide Squad without a nice healthy dose of hype and backstory to kick things off.
After years of anticipation and speculation, the time has finally come: Suicide Squad has been released. This is the movie that everyone was counting on to single-handedly redeem and re-invigorate the critically-maligned DC Comics Extended Universe, and wash away the dark clouds left by Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. And while resting the entire future of the DCEU on any one film is a risky proposition, it becomes even more dangerous when the film in question is an action-comedy starring the self-admitted "Worst Superheroes Ever." Sounds either totally crazy or totally brilliant, right? Or like a recipe for certain disaster. This is the tumultuous geek culture stew that David Ayer's film was dropped into this past weekend.
And while there's no doubt that Suicide Squad was up against some tough odds, there was good reason to hold out hope. This is the world of superheroes, after all, where people are capable of amazing and supernatural feats, and comeback stories are the order of the day. And judging from the string of diverse and fantastic trailers Warner Bros. released over the past year, it appeared that they finally cracked the code and learned how to successfully translate the DC heroes to the silver screen. But does Suicide Squad live up to any of the hype, self-imposed or otherwise? Our five-person panel is here to weigh in.
We discuss the film in-depth, giving our thoughts on Jared Leto's Joker, Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn, Will Smith's Deadshot and the rest of the cast of characters, as well as the film's plot, tone, main villain and other creative choices. We also discuss the variety of controversies surrounding the film, including the multiple competing final cuts, Joker and Harley's relationship, the behind-the-scenes antics of the cast, and much more.
We're diving deep into this review - so don't be surprised if Killer Croc happens to swim by while we're talking. And regardless of our final thoughts on Suicide Squad, one thing is certain: the comic book movie landscape just got a whole lot more colorful with its release. This...is the Joy of Film!
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 56:
Nintendo NX and the Attack of the HD Remasters
We (Rich, Jordan and Kelsey) are back and better than ever, with a super-sized new episode of the Joy of Gaming Podcast! And here in the calm after the storm that was this year's E3 and San Diego Comic-Con conventions, there's quite a bit to talk about - most notably, the recent rumors surrounding the Nintendo NX, big news on the Sonic the Hedgehog and Hearthstone fronts, and a number of exciting new game releases. But if there was one theme that emerged again and again at this year's big gaming events, it was that of the "HD Remaster". What's old will truly be new again over the next few years, as the games of yesteryear are re-released on today's consoles - but is this a good thing for the industry? We'll let you know what we think.
But first, it's been a while since our last episode, and we have a lot of games to discuss. First on the agenda is Zero Time Dilemma, the final entry in the Zero Escape "thrill"-ogy of visual novel games. This time, however, series writer/director Uchikoshi has taken the game in a number of new and different directions (literally), and we've got more than a few strong opinions to share on the subject. Next, we dive headfirst into a discussion of the other games we've been playing, including: Song of the Deep, Pokemon Go, Hearthstone, Mighty Number 9, The Banner Saga, The Division, Splatoon, The Binding of Issaac: Afterbirth, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Just Cause 3, and many more. And then, just when you think this episode couldn't get any "gamier," we move to the main event.
From the reveal of 2K's Bioshock: The Collection, to the announcement (and subsequent delay) of the Batman: Return to Arkham collection, to the staggering success of the recent re-release of Red Dead Redemption (as a backwards compatible game on Xbox One), to the ridiculous anticipation already brewing for the forthcoming The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition and beyond, one thing is clear: HD Remasters, Re-releases and "Ultimate Collections" of relatively recent games are coming in greater numbers than ever, and from just about every major publisher. But is this trend just another avenue for enjoying our favorite games, or a foreboding sign that developers are abandoning the development of new IP for the cheaper and safer alternative of re-issuing past favorites? We discuss the topic in depth, including a list of our favorite remasters of all time, our individual wishlists for games to be remastered in the future, and our thoughts on what ingredients make for a successful remaster.
And you know what? That doesn't even scratch the surface of what this episode has in store. It has more games, more excitement, and more Cory Barlog than any episode that has come before. Yeah, you remember Cory Barlog, right? The guy who directed God of War 2? Of course you do. This...is the Joy of Gaming!
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
The Joy of Geek Podcast - SDCC 2016 Extravaganza
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
The Joy of Geek Podcast, Special Edition:
San Diego Comic-Con 2016 Extravaganza
Yes, It's that time again - time for San Diego Comic-Con 2016 - the biggest, most star-studded and news-filled comics convention of the year! And although the convention has evolved into much more of an all-inclusive geek culture celebration in recent years, comics (or at least comic-book-related movies and TV shows) have remained at the forefront of the proceedings. For fans of modern entertainment of all varieties, it's one of the most exciting and important events of the year, and we (Rich, Jordan and Kevin) are here with a rundown of the hottest news that came out of this year's con.
This year's SDCC 2016 was more action-packed than any in recent memory, and filled to bursting with new trailers for upcoming Marvel and DC films and TV shows. Most notably, we witnessed new trailers or footage from the upcoming Justice League, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, and Doctor Strange films, and TV shows including The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders (sort of), newcomer Legion, and more. We also saw a new trailer for Neil Gaiman's American Gods, got some big news about the new Star Trek (online?) TV series, learned about new casting for Captain Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and witnessed the controversy surrounding The Killing Joke animated film. There were also some big new video game announcements, including two great-looking new Sonic titles, the reveal of Marvel Ultimate Alliance parts 1 and 2 for modern consoles, and some new Paper Mario: Color Splash gameplay.
And that summary doesn't even scratch the surface - SDCC was ridiculously massive this year, so if you missed something, don't worry. We're here to bring you our thoughts and feedback on all of the festivities, and celebrate the best that TV, Movies, Comics and Video Games have to offer. This...is the Joy of Geek!
Monday Jul 18, 2016
The Joy of Film Review, Episode 6 - Ghostbusters (2016)
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
The Joy of Film Podcast, Episode 6:
The Joy of Film Review - Ghostbusters (2016)
Welcome to a brand new era of Ghostbusters, right? It's pretty incredible just how different this new 2016 team is from the original. First of all, it's completely made up of women, and they're some of the biggest names from Saturday Night Live and comedy today. Actually, now that I think about it, that last part's not so different from the original film after all. Hmmm. Well one thing is definitely clear - there's a lot of talent and star power in this film's corner. After all - the film stars Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones as the eponymous team, and it's directed by Paul Feig, the man who brought us Bridesmaids in 2011 and Spy just last year. Heck, it's even produced by original Ghostbusters creator, screenwriter and star Dan Aykroyd. All things considered, Ghostbusters (2016) looks incredibly promising...but is it good?
That's what we (Rich, Jordan and Kevin) are here to discuss. And while I won't give away the answer here, I will say that our opinions varied pretty wildly. In the court of public opinion, this new Ghostbusters has faced its fair share of both positive and negative reviews, and it's not surprising; as a total reboot of a classic and almost universally beloved 80's franchise, this film was shackled from its conception with some Stay-Puft-sized expectations. The film did manage to bring in $46 million in its opening weekend at the box office - not too shabby a figure, but also not as large a haul as its studio and creators had hoped for. Did the film deserve to do better? Is there hope for a sequel? Did Chris Hemsworth nail his role as the Ghostbusters' IQ-challenged secretary? We'll weigh in on these questions and a whole lot more on this Class 5, Full-Roaming Vapor of an episode.
In other words, fire up your proton packs, kick out a ghost trap or two, and get ready for some decidedly dissenting opinions. Oh, and we also dive into some exciting new film news, including a brief overview of Star Wars Celebration 2016 and some assorted DC comics movie rumors and speculation. Did you expect any less? This...is The Joy of Film!
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
The Joy of Comics Episode 10 - Adventures at HeroesCon 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
The Joy of Comics Podcast, Episode 10:
Adventures at HeroesCon 2016
With HeroesCon 2016 now officially in the books and the amazing adventures we had at this year's event still swirling around in our minds, it's time to sit back, relax, and try to make sense of it all. And to do that, we (Rich, Jordan and Kevin) have gathered in a secure location and invited a special guest - Lucas Santos - to give us his take on the con as a first-year attendee. How will his experience compare to that of us grizzled con veterans? You'll have to tune in and see.
But if you're anything like us, these events are all about the comics and the creators - and we'll be discussing as many awesome artists, writers and books as one podcast can contain. We begin by taking a brief trip down HeroesCon-memory lane, and follow-up with an extensive journey up and down the wonderful weaving aisles of artists alley to chat with the likes of Jeremy Haun, Brendan Fletcher, Babs Tarr, Matt Fraction, Justin Greenwood, Rebecca Mock and more. And for the big finish, we discuss the many books we purchased in the exhibitor's area, and give you our thoughts on the ones we've managed to read so far.
Over the course of the weekend, deals were found, a lot of cosplayers were photographed, and more than a few rookie mistakes were made, but we made it out alive and very happy with this year's HeroesCon. So come along as we discuss this awesome celebration of comics. This...is the Joy of Comics!
Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
Tuesday Jun 28, 2016
The Joy of Comics Podcast, Episode 9:
Exploring Millarworld with Talent Search Winner Cliff Bumgardner
On this special edition of The Joy of Comics, we (Rich, Jordan and Kevin) welcome local NC writer/filmmaker Cliff Bumgardner to the party for a conversation of all things geek. And let's just say that the timing couldn't be better. Cliff is one of the winners of Mark Millar's recent Millarworld Talent Search, and the short story he penned (based on the lesser-known Millar series American Jesus) will be appearing in the Millarworld 2016 Annual, due out on July 13. And if that weren't enough, the film company he works for is about to unveil their new documentary about NC Comic Con - a sort of "primer" on what it takes behind-the-scenes to organize a local comics convention.
Our conversation starts with a look back at Cliff's journey to the precipice of film and comics stardom, and includes some fascinating stories about the crazy things that happened along the way (a major movie deal that fell through at the last second? Really?). From there we chat a bit about where Cliff's Millarworld story - "Undeath" - fits into the American Jesus mythos, and then digress into an awesome discussion of all the cool things we've each been reading, watching, playing etc. Oh, and by the end we will totally be spoiling the series finale of 90's TV show Dinosaurs - listen at your own risk.
So to recap: if you're a fan of controversial Scottish comics scribes, anthropomorphized baby dinos, creation myths in comics and in real life (see what I did there?) and a whole lot of geek-culture inside baseball, you should feel right at home. We always do. This...is the Joy of Comics!
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
The Joy of Comics Podcast, Episode 8:
DC Rebirth, Captain America, MCU Rumors and Pre-HeroesCon Hype
Here at the Joy of Geek, we (Rich, Jordan and Kevin) are gearing up for our yearly pilgrimage to Charlotte, NC for HeroesCon 2016. And what better way to get in the spirit than with a discussion of all the crazy, exciting and controversial things that are happening now in world of comics and comic book movies. From the epic reveals in the pages DC's Rebirth Special and Captain America: Steve Rogers #1, to the latest movie news coming out of the MCU and the DCU (or should we call it the Murderverse?), there's a lot to talk about.
And then in part two, we settle in for a nice discussion of all the books we've been reading since the last comics episode. From mainstream titles like Star Wars, Starfire, Civil War II and Martian Manhunter, to indie masterpieces-in-the-making like Hellboy, We Stand on Guard and The Beauty (yep, it's finally back!!!) - there are so many great books on shelves these days and far too little time.
But that's the point, really. From our weekly read piles (or trade paperback purchases) to amazing events like HeroesCon, there has never been a better time to get swallowed up by a whole lot of awesome reading material. Passionate about this stuff? Yeah, we are too. This...is the Joy of Comics!
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
Episode 55 - Gaming Returns, Feat. Quantum Break, Doom and Rise of the Tomb Raider
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
The Joy of Gaming Podcast, Episode 55:
Gaming Returns, feat. Quantum Break, Doom and Rise of the Tomb Raider
Welcome to Episode 55 of the Joy of Gaming podcast - we're certainly happy to be back talking about video games. And since our last episode, we (Rich, Jordan and Kelsey) have been playing a lot of games. For lucky number fifty-five, we're bringing it back to basics, with an episode focused entirely on the games we've been playing since our last episode - and it's quite a list. From AAA titles we've been anticipating forever like Doom, Quantum Break and Rise of the Tomb Raider, to recent break-out indie hits like Stardew Valley and The Flame in the Flood (as well as some Nintendo Wii U and 3DS titles thrown in for good measure), our discussion runs the literal gaming gamut.
So join us, as we catch up on the absolute best games of the past few months (and beyond), in a discussion that certainly earns this podcast's title. This...is the Joy of Gaming!
Monday May 30, 2016
The Joy Of Geek Podcast - TV Upfronts 2016
Monday May 30, 2016
Monday May 30, 2016
The Joy of Geek Podcast, Special Edition:
The Joy of Television Upfronts 2016
Every year around this time, the major TV networks trot out their new slate of Fall shows to drum up early buzz and excitement among advertisers, the media (and some well-informed viewers). And every year, we here at the Joy of Geek gather around a TV, bring up YouTube, and watch the new trailers for each show in one glorious session. Then, as listeners to this podcast will tell you, we proceed to discuss it all - the good, the bad and the ugly - and call it our Annual TV Upfronts episode. It's a tremendous amount of fun, and a great way to get ready for the upcoming year of TV. So if you love TV like we do, you have now come to the right place.
This coming Fall's slate of new shows brings with it some big questions: Will CBS continue to reign supreme atop its throne of police procedurals and Chuck Lorre multicams? Will any of this year's new sitcoms actually make it past their freshmen season? Will Supergirl's move to the CW have an impact on the quality of the show? Is the world ready for another MacGyver? And does the fact that there are no fewer than three new time-travel-based shows - Timeless, Making History and Time After Time - bode well or ill for the near-future of network television?
Only time will tell, of course, but that won't stop us (Rich, Jordan, Kevin and Kelsey) from engaging in a whole lot of educated conjecture and wild speculation. After all, this...is the Joy of Geek!
Sunday May 15, 2016
The Joy of Geek Review - Captain America: Civil War
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
The Joy of Geek Podcast, Film Review:
Captain America: Civil War
On this star-studded episode of the Joy of Geek podcast, we (Rich, Jordan and Kevin) review the highly-anticipated next film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise - Captain America: Civil War. Walking into theatres on opening weekend, our hopes were very high, especially considering the considerable quality of the previous film in the series - Captain America: Winter Soldier - and our desire to see how well Marvel would handle the introductions of both Black Panther and Spider-Man. The film certainly had the potential to be the best in the series so far, but were Kevin Feige, the Russo Brothers and the rest of the MCU crew ultimately able to deliver on our expectations? Tune in to find out.
As a very small spoiler, I will say that not all of us agreed entirely on the overall strength of the film - but that is what makes these conversations (hopefully) all the more interesting. When the smoke settled, however, we shook hands once again as friends and colleagues, having put to rest our debates on: (1) The quality of the film's main antagonist, Baron Zemo (2) Whether or not we enjoyed the Cap - Iron Man - Winter Solider dynamic (3) Whether the overall premise holds up under scrutiny, and (4) If this really is a "Captain America" film, or if "Avengers: Civil War" would have been a more fitting title. And ultimately, we give our thoughts on the film as a whole, and our individual predictions on where the MCU might go from here. Oh, and we also manage to discuss a bit of additional film-related news, including some Star Wars Rogue One chat, DCU film news, and more.
So join us for an epic adventure, where alliances are strained and friendships are put to the ultimate test. Or, at the very least, for a solid discussion on one of the most anticipated movies of the year. This...is the Joy of Geek!
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